
  • 5 Characteristics Of A High-Quality Blog Post

    Would you classify your content as high quality, ok quality or low quality? And why? What really makes up a good blog post? There’s more to content than just putting it out. The quality of your posts can play a very significant role in the success of your career as a content creator. Many bloggers […]

  • content creation during lockdown

    Ultimate Guide For Lockdown Blogging & Content Creation

    The world is going through very difficult and uncertain times due to the pandemic. Most industries are facing the consequences of this shutdown and are slowly shutting down businesses. But one industry that has the opportunity to thrive during this season is the blogging and influencer industry, more specifically lockdown blogging and content creation. There’s […]

  • 8 Things to Do After Launching a Blog

    You’ve just finished designing your new blog’s website and now are ready to grow but are not sure what to do next. It’s an achievement building your blog but now the real work begins. There are so many things you need to do after you launch a blog in order for it to grow and […]

  • What is blogging and why should you start a blog?

    Knowing what blogging is all about, and some of the reasons to start one, are the first things everyone needs to know before thinking about getting into blogging. In this article, I’ve put together some basic information about blogging and why you should start a blog. This post is especially useful to newbie bloggers or […]

  • 10 Common Blogging Myths You’ve Been Believing

    Blogging is so popular in this day and age, and many people are joining the blogging world, even when they know just little about it; while others follow and study the blogging industry with caution and skepticism and as a result, they have predetermined ideas and false concepts of how blogging actually works. Here are […]

  • 10 Helpful Blogging Tips From Experts In Blogging

    Blogging today, is somewhat unlike the previous years, as many blogs are being created and many others are occupying the blogosphere. Here we’ll dive into 10 blogging tips from experts they wish they knew when they started blogging. Many bloggers have done great jobs in the past, but their techniques were now obsolete, and although […]

  • 8 Creative Ways to Market Your Blog Posts

    One of the hardest things about blogging is actually coming with a blog post. But it’s not the only challenge when it comes to blogging. The other challenge is actually getting people to read your work. And for them to read it, you need to first attract traffic to your blog by marketing your blog […]

  • 18 Best Places To Get Royalty Free Stock Photos For Your Blog

    Did you know you don’t need to own an expensive camera to have good pictures for your blog? When I first started blogging, I admired more experienced bloggers who had exceptional-looking blog pictures on their blogs and I thought only those with good quality expensive cameras could have good pictures or photos on their blog. […]

  • The Best Tool To Make You A Better Writer

    One of the worries I had before I started blogging was whether my English would meet the standard your content needs to be considered “readable”. English was not my best subject in school neither was it a favorite. I was always more of a numbers and Math person. In fact, if you had told me […]

  • 25 Top Places Pro Bloggers Buy Blog Themes

      “Fake it until you make it” Have you ever wondered how to fake it as a blogger until you make it? Well, the best way to fake it until you make it as a blogger is to invest in a professional looking design for your blog, otherwise known as a blog theme. Your blog’s […]