Blogging today, is somewhat unlike the previous years, as many blogs are being created and many others are occupying the blogosphere. Here we’ll dive into 10 blogging tips from experts they wish they knew when they started blogging.
Many bloggers have done great jobs in the past, but their techniques were now obsolete, and although many others are doing well; the fresh
Likewise, to be a successful blogger, you need to follow in the footsteps of the most successful blogging experts. There’s nothing new under the sun.
What if there are some common tips, that all experts in blogging believe actually count to your ability to succeed in blogging?
Regardless of who you are, a professional blogger or a newbie, here are tips that will help you grow your blog.
Table of Contents
10 Useful Tips From Experts In Blogging
1. Set Up Your Goals
At first, you will be struggling to have both proper and technical know-how of blogging even before you get into it. When you get into it, you’ll discover that social media is a thing, email subscriptions and subsequent monetization is a different story, amass the basic skills you’ve gained prior to owning your blog.
A while after that, you need to have a look at it from a broader perspective, with a long-term focus to see how well it’s going to be.
Setting up your goals is among the best blogging essentials,
that’ll make blogging seem more easier and fulfilling to you.
Just as many bloggers, you might not necessarily have a
solid reason to start a particular blog, lest to say you have plans for it.
Your passion will be what keeps dragging you, until you reach a certain stage where you’ll feel like monetizing your blog, expanding your reach through social media & email lists, and then planning big.
2. Be Niche-specific
It is important to always narrow your blog down to a particular niche, its importance can never be emphasized completely especially when you are about building your audiences.
When you go with multiple niches, you risk having visitors that will come and go, but never come back.
For instance, you can choose to have a blog that focuses on fitness. Since fitness is a broader niche, stepping down to Yoga won’t be bad, and you’ll make all your blog posts focus on Yoga. When you do that, people interested in yoga will be your audience, and you’ll be able to have more subscribers than mere visitors.
3. Love What You’re
Blogging About
Being specific in your
The more you hate your niche, the less engaging your blogs will be, and the fewer readers you’re going to get. It’s just chemistry, you have to love what you do before reaping success out of it.
4. Create A Time For
It’s indeed factual that time is more of our enemy than a friend (this is what I believe). Many people are passionate about blogging but fail to create time to blog, this is how their passion gets dashed up into the thin air.
Figuring out time to blog could be difficult, but an hour in a day is enough for you to attend to your audiences both through the main blog and subsidiary platforms such as social media, while you create a separate time for writing the posts or better still, you can hire a freelance writer for that.
Once your blogging grows, you’ll sort out the time, yourself.
5. Become A Problem
Once you start blogging, you’ll absolutely become a problem
solver, because that’s what blogging is all about and what bloggers do as well.
Right from the views and down to the actions taken by your audiences, they’re all doing that to get one or more of their problems being solved.
So if you have no problem-solving spirit, you have to borrow one, else, there’s no vacancy for you in blogging.
Solving someone’s problem can come from either the posts you
make, or the comments you attend to, among others, and that are just the
blogging essentials.
6. Build Your Email
One of the best blogging hacks, bloggers use to transform onetime visitors into subscribers is by asking them for their email addresses in exchange for some tips, gifts, or newsletters
Having focused on a particular niche, your visitors will most often be like-minds and so do your email list. As such, you can also venture into email marketing, i.e selling products or services relevant to your niche through your personalized email list.
MailChimp, Aweber, MailerLite, ConvertKit (more preferable for marketing purposes) are hot cakes when it comes to email marketing, and would also be great in providing email services to you.
7. Use Social Media To Market Yourself
Whether you’re building a brand out of your blog or a blog off your brand, either way, social media should be your friend.
Creating brand awareness has never been this easy, with
Likes, shares, posts, comments, stories, and comments, etc, are magical in providing you with potential regenerative leads and conversions for your blog.
Social media is just part of the best blogging essentials used as blogging hacks.
8. Learn SEO as soon as possible
Everyone uses search engines such as Google, Yahoo Bing, or
As a blogger, you also need search engines to gain a
As a blogger, even if you do not need search engines, you still need to acknowledge SEO at least. In order to be successful with blogging today, you need to learn SEO and know how it works, otherwise, your efforts may be in vain.
If SEO is foreign to you, here is a free detailed guide that will teach you what you need to know about SEO.
9. Make Your Audience Your Priority
Your audience is your reason for blogging, you can’t create a blog just for reading alone, so you definitely need some audience.
Make sure most of the steps you take while blogging are to the interest of your audience, although some might not be. An example is; your audiences may not like advertisements, so you need to violate them on this (otherwise you won’t make money out of blogging) and in other few cases, but just don’t make them go away.
10. Blogging is a Journey
Finally, these ten useful tips from experts in blogging will
not be complete without mentioning that the blogging essentials were more of a
journey, accompanied by many obstacles.
Success and challenges are the ultimate blogging hacks, the
more you blog, the more you get in and out of mistakes.
Learning from your mistakes and trying new strategies
ranging from your blog design, advertisements, branding, uniqueness, absolute
content flow, among many others are all you need to succeed in blogging.
I hope these ten useful tips from experts in blogging I’ve put together are really the blogging hacks and blogging essentials that’ll count toward your success as a blogger.
Happy blogging.

All such great tips! I especially love the email subscription one. It’s so important. Instagram and Facebook may not be around forever. And how are you going to reach your audience if one day those platforms magically disappear? Mailing lists are where it’s at! <3
These are really some helpful tips. Thank you for sharing.
You’re welcome! Thank you for reading!