Not sure what blog post types or topics to blog about to improve your traffic and search engine ranking?

One of the best ways to increase your SEO ranking is by having good and clickable blog post titles. When your blog title is interesting, people are more likely to click on it when it appears on search engines, because it draws their attention and insights curiosity in them. Probably the reason that led you to click this post.

Knowing which types of posts will drive traffic to your blog is essential in growing as a blogger because using these will drive more traffic to your blog. They generally do better with SEO and draw more traffic to your blog.

Picking the right topics to blog about and coupling them with irresistible blog post titles is a recipe for increasing your organic traffic and being ranked higher by search engines.

The type of post determines the title to your post, and you should always maximize on your blog titles to insight the kind of curiosity in your potential audience that will draw them to open your posts. Powerful post types will take your blog further than regular ones because they will generate traffic for a long time.

Here are the best types of posts to have on your blog in order to draw traffic, increase post shares and turn your visitors into a mailing list!

1. How-To Posts

How-to posts are very popular because most times when people are searching on the internet, they want to know how to do something, and are looking for practical solutions and informative advice.

They answer the “how” questions and provide information on methods or ways to achieve something or get things done.

2. Checklist Posts

Checklist posts are like to-do lists. They are usually in the form of a list with things to do or remember and are helpful for readers who are trying to achieve a goal or complete something like a project.

Most times people will search for checklist content to help guide them when doing something new like moving into their first apartment or starting a new blog.

A great way to find ideas for checklist posts is through Pinterest.

3. Tips Posts

Advice posts are popular topics to blog about because most times people are searching on the internet to look for exactly that, tips and advice. Tips are usually extra pieces of advice or recommendation that help your readers improve at doing something.

To make them interesting they should have out-of-the-box ideas that are both interesting and challenging. They should be different from the regular advice given on the same topic and they are most helpful when they practice.

Here is an example: 20 Smart Blogging Tips for New Bloggers

4. Ways-To Posts

This type of post shows readers different and alternative ways to do something. They usually bring value to readers by showing them different options they may not know about.

These should always be practical in order to be valuable.

5. Series Posts

Series posts are posts that have different interlinked content either continuing into each other or needing to follow one after the other.

They are very popular topics to blog about because they incite curiosity in the readers and keep them looking forward to what is coming next. This curiosity keeps them coming back and consequently drives continuous traffic to your blog.

6. Review Posts

If you’ve ever used a product, read a book/article, watched a good movie/series, and loved it, you can write a blog post about your thoughts or experience. Readers enjoy these because they want to hear what other people’s opinions are regarding something and often look to these when deciding whether or not to buy, read or watch something.

If not solely for driving traffic to your blog, you can also approach companies, authors, or producers to write reviews for their products and get paid for them. If you have built a good reputation, significant following, or if you do reviews on a regular basis which are seen by a number of people, companies can approach you themselves and offer to pay you to do reviews for their products.

7. Comparison Posts

Comparison posts usually compare two or more things to reach a conclusion on which is better or best. They are similar to review posts because they influence the decisions of readers and give them information about things like products, services, brands, etc.

Comparison posts should help readers to choose through comparing the different attributes that make up the different things in comparison.

There are many topics to blog about but these are the most powerful types of blog posts you can create content around, to greatly improve your traffic.

Which post types are you already using for your blog and which ones are you considering going to do more of? Leave your comment below. I would love to hear your thoughts!

7 Popular Blog Post Types & Topics To Blog About